Celebrate World Immunization Week

World Immunization Week, 24-30 April, is here. Join with Rotary as we raise awareness of the importance of vaccinations and our work to #EndPolio.
Each year, Rotary and our partners vaccinate more than 400 million children against polio. When children receive the polio vaccine, their pinkie fingers are marked with purple ink so health workers will know which children are protected.
Raise awareness of vaccination and polio eradication efforts by painting your nails — or your pinkie — purple. Or customize our new End Polio Now artwork with your signature and words of support. For a chance to be featured on Rotary’s social media channels, take a photo of your purple pinkies or customized artwork and share it on your page using the hashtags #EndPolio and #VaccinesWork.
Fra: PolioPlus <polioplus@rotary.org / http://msgfocus.rotary.org/q/1f1EEeBGyCG9A01GjANDhPS/wv#